Thursday, September 25, 2008

My soccer dude and little artist

Hello everyone,
In my last blog I talked alot about sean playing soccer. He's still playing, although some days he participates more than others. I know that's just because he's only 3 1/2 and his attention span isn't very long. He likes it though. He really likes his coach Mrs. Renee. We've gotten our uniforms now and we've had about 3 games. I think we have about 3 left! The very first game sean played quite a bit. It was a lot of fun but rainy! It keeps us busy and keeps sean's mind off of daddy being gone.

Kayla is doing really good too. I don't think she know to miss daddy, but she definately likes to see him on the webcam! She gets so excited and points to his picture! I know it makes chris' heart melt and sink at the same time! As the title of the blog says, she's my little artist. She LOVES to draw. You can watch her concentrate on what she's doing. Sometimes it's long quick strokes and other times it's short curvey ones. I love to watch her learn!
Other than that, we're keeping pretty busy still. Our schedule is the same, but I'm going to incorporate some Partlite into it. I'm going to be a consultant starting towards the end of october! I'm really excited about it. It's something I can do whenever I want and can make a little more money. If anyone is interested in hosting a party you do not have to be in germany to do it. You can host a cataloge party if you'd like. Just let me know and I can give you a call sometimes. Don't forget to give me your email your phone number! :)
Have a great day! Love Rachel, Sean and Kayla!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Keeping Busy.

Well, It's been about 73 days since chris left. But who's counting right!? The kids and I are trying to stay busy and we're doing a really good job of it. Maybe a little too busy sometimes!
Sean started school on the 3rd. He really loves going. It's part-day preschool so that means he goes M-W-F from 8:30-11:30am. It's not too long, but it's good for us so far. I think I would miss him too much if I had to leave him all day. It's been good for Kayla and I because I can run erronds while Sean's in school and also, Kayla and I get some quality time! My goal is to start working out during those three hours also. I had to quit my other excersize classes so I could go back to PWOC (protestant women of the chapel) and I'm really missing the workout. I want to try to get Kayla into hourly at the same time that sean's in school so I can go to the gym. If that doesn't work out ever time, then I'll just take her with me ane we'll go for a walk or something else.
Besides school, Sean is also in soccer for the first time. He really liked it the first practice, but afte that he wasn't really into it. I kept bringing him and with encouragment from the coach and other moms we're still going. Sometimes he doesn't always do what the others are doing, but Coach Renee said not to worry. She's super good with Sean. I think we're very blessed that she's our coach, because I would have given up by now if she wasn't there. She really takes time to try to get sean involved and excited about playing. Next monday we get our uniforms! They're going to be blue and our team name is "The Giants." All the kids got to put what they wanted the name to be in a hat and Kayla picked one out. Sean of course wanted to be called "The Iron Man" and apparently so did another kid, so I thought we had a good chance, but two other boys wanted The Giants! It's all good. After the end of every practice they all put their hands in and say "GO GIANTS." It's so cute! Next wednesday (the 10th) is our first game! I'm really excited for it. But also quite nervous because I have no clue how this age works and if sean will even be interested! I've been showing him pictures of me playing soccer back in highschool, so he can get excited! I hope it works. I really want to show chris! My friend Casey said that she'll come too and video tape it for me since she has a digital video camera, it's a lot easier to put on the computer!
So, besides school, and soccer, I also have PWOC every thursday moring and then whenever I have anything to do with the FRG I do that also. So my weeks look like this. Monday is school in the morning then soccer practice at 5pm. Tuesday is usually free, wednesday is school in the morning and soccer games at 5pm, thursday is PWOC in the morning, friday is usually free too. Saturday is free also and then sunday is S.S. in the morning with church afterwards, come home eat lunch put the kids down, get up and back to the church by 3:30 for AWANA. It's a crazy week, but I really wouldn't have it any other way. I'm usually home in the afternoons and evenings. That's when I relax, get FRG work done, play with the kids and have dinner. It's also when chris calls! :)
Something really exciting that is happening tonight is our compnay VTC (virtual teleconference) It's when any families that want to participate meet at the battalion and we all take turns having a video teleconference with our soldier! We get to see them and talk to them. Some people don't have webcam and if you're like us, we have the cam but you can't talk at the same time because it's too slow. I'm really excited to go so that way the kids can see chris too. Usually they're sleeping when we get online. We have 9 families that are participating so that means we each get about 23 minutes with our soldier. We're in a room by ourselves, so it's private. Chris and I are the last ones to go, but that's ok since I have AWANA before hand. I want to be able to get the kids food so they'r happy when we talk to daddy! :)
I think I talked about Sean and I now, so here's a little about Kayla. She's is getting to be so funny! I really think this is the best age. She knows what it means to be funny now and she loves to make us laugh! A couple of weeks ago she had Sean's vampire teeth want wanted me to put them in for her. It was so funny because they're entirely too big for her face! She's also a good listener I don't think Sean listened as well at her age. It's amazing to me, but I'm definately not complaining! :) I can't wait to see her grow even more, it's just sad that chris has to hear everything by phone or pictures. I know that's the military, but it's never easy. And second deployments are NOT easier than the first. Exspecially when you have another child going through it too....
Other than that, we're enjoying our time together. It's been a little rainy the last couple of days so we've been staying inside and having friends over. I love to be around people. And the kids love having all their friends over to play with too.
Well, that's about it for me. I want to say thanks to everyone who reads our blog. I hope that it keeps you guys informed and connected to our lives at least a little. We miss you ALL terribly and can't wait to come visit next spring! Love to all,
The Browns