Saturday, July 19, 2008

What's up with us.

Not too much has been going on with us lately. We just try to stay busy and go outside as much as we can. Sean is always trying to go next door to his best friend's house. His name is Ray. They are two peas in a pod! Kayla LOVES Yvonne (ray's mom). Every time she sees her, she goes running! It's so cute. Yvonne's Keila (sounds the same way as mine) does the same thing with me. It's adorable!
Sean is going to do soccer for the first time this fall. It starts in august. They should be having a parents meeting soon. I have to call to see if they've scheduled it yet or not. I'm really excited. I have to load up on camera tapes, so I can tape sean for chris and send it to him! I can't wait! Sean loves soccer. He even has his own cleats and shin guards! They're so little!
Kayla is a little ham! She's at the perfect age right now. Her personality is so cute and she's usually happy! She's a stinker though. She gets into EVERYTHING! And I'm not exaggerating when I say everything. Ask my mom or mom in-law. She loves her daddy doll. Both of the kids sleep with it every night. Today Kalya was talking to him (the doll) and saying "daddy." I love it!
As for Chris, he's doing ok. I'm going to try to get him to post some blogs too, but right now he has to use the MWR computers and they're REALLY slow. I'm lucky to get an e-mail! He should have internet in his room by the end of this month or early next. And it should be free so that's really cool. Other than that, he's been busy working, trying to fix the fuel farm.
I did have an "exciting" night last night. Our whole village lost power for about an hour or so. Luckily I had just put the kids to bed so they didn't even notice. I was saying our prayers with sean when it went out. All he said was "uh oh." I told him it wasn't a big deal and to go to sleep. Neither of the kids had their music, but that didn't seem to faze him. Sean did hear everyone outside and opened his blinds, but I went back up there and got him back to sleep! He was out after that. The power came back on around 10 I would say. Everyone's EXCEPT mine! I have no clue why, but my house didn't want to come back on. My neighbor came over and flipped all the switches and still nothing. All of my 110 outlets would work, but not anything that was 220. My friend Yvonne and I called the fire department so they could call the housemister. He didn't come so we called again and they said that he didn't answer the phone. He lives just down the road, so we walked down there at like 10:15pm and rang his bell. We felt really bad cause we didn't want to wake him up, but I needed power. He had just got home, and said that he would come check it out.
He tried everything he could think of, but it wouldn't come on still. He was talking to Yvonne in german and all Casey (another friend) and I could understand was 'Kaput' which means broken. He said that one of the main switches wasn't working so we had to call the electric company. He tried calling them but no one would pick up. He said he would call again in an hour but if no one answered then we would have to wait until the morning. He said my fridge would keep for 36 hours, so that was a relief. All my neighbors were super nice. They stayed up with me and all offered to let me put my food in their fridges and freezers if need be. It's so nice to know you have friends you can count on. They truly are your family over here.
So about 30 minutes later Yvonne called and said that the electric guy would be here in 15 minutes. YEAH!! He came and was able to fix the problem and I had power again! Yvonne, Casey and I stayed outside talking for probably another hour or so and then went to bed. It was nice to know I had power before going to sleep. So yah, that was my first bad thing that happned since chris left! I'm sure there will be more! Like I said, I'm so grateful for having great friends who were will to take in my food and also us if need be! Thank you all for being so great!
Well that's about it. It's been 23 days since chris left, but who's counting! :) Have a great day!

Schloss Thurn

I've been trying to post this blog for a while, but the site hasn't been working, so here it finally is!

Before chris left we wanted to go on one more family trip. My neighbor Yvonne suggested Schloss Thurn. It has a show about knights and one about cowboys. It's an amusement park. They have a lot of rides and it's perfect for sean's age. They had one roller coaster and sean loved it. I wasn't sure what he would do, but he had a ball.
We asked in Yvonne wanted to come too and bring her kids. Sean's best bud is Ray, Yvonne's son. And she also has a daughter keila. Pronounced just like our kayla, just spelled the German way! It was nice to have Yvonne come along since they have been there a lot and they could show us the way. Plus she's our translater! :)
We all had a blast. Chris and I even went on a couple rides ourselves! :) The boys loved the knight show. Afterwards they were sword fighting. It was so cute. I'm really glad we decided to go there before chris left. I would definately go again.