Thursday, June 26, 2008

The day has come.

I'm finally getting around to writing about chris leaving. Not only because reality if finally hitting me that he's actually gone, but also because I've been really busy (and maybe a little lazy).
Well chris left on last wednesday. Their first formation was going to be at 1am. I had to be there at 12:15am since I'm FRG leader and we were planning sack lunches for all of the soldiers. Chris and I usually stay up until about 11pm most nights, so we figured there was no reason to go to sleep. We put the kids to bed at their normal 8:00 bedtime. Chris helped me put all of the sandwiches into baggies and then into the fridge. I know I should have delegated that task out to someone who wasn't haveing a soldier deploy, but I can't help but want to do things myself. It's ok though, because it gave chris and I time to sit at the table, just him and I, and talk about things. About the deployment of course.
We had all the stuff in the truck by 12 midnight and just grabbed the kids straight out of bed and into the truck. Chris seemed to think they would be tired and sleep at the field house. I knew better than that! :) The field house is basically just a gym. It was nice to have things their because the kids were able to run around the whole time. I wont go into all the boring details, but after about 3 or 4 formations it was time for the dreaded goodbyes. After not very much family time because of all the formations, we had about 30 minutes to say bye. Chris helped me get all our stuff to the truck. Then he said bye to sean. I was so glad that sean actually took time to hug and kiss daddy before he left. Chris told him to be good for mommy and that he was the man of the house now. Then he said bye to kayla. She wasn't as cooperative, but it was still ok. We got our picture taken and then put the kids in the truck. Chris had to be in formation in a little while, so we hugged and kissed and said our goodbyes. I was fine up until that last kiss, cause I knew that was it. That would be the last time I got to do that for a really long time.
Chris went around to kayla side and gave her another kiss and shut the doors. We said bye one last time and to see tears in his eyes, is when it broke. Knowing that he was hurting just the same was comforting, but heartbreaking too. When chris left sean asked me where daddy was. I told him, through tears, that he left and reminded him that we had to say bye for a while. Sean goes "but I thought daddy was coming with us." Man did I start bawling. He's so innocent and didn't even understand what was going on.
I left after that and headed home. After making two wrong turns I finally made it out the gate. Just then I realized that if I didn't go back and see the buses leave and see him every last possible second that I would regret it. I went back and parked the truck. The buses drove right passed the truck when they pulled out. God knowing, Chris was on the side of the bus that the truck was on and I got to see him one last time. We waved by and I took a couple picture and then I went home.
The kids fell asleep in the car and I was home by 5:15am. I put them in their beds and went to bed myself. We all woke up about 11:30. I'm glad that they slept in. We hung out with friends the rest of the day and we ate dinner with a couple of them. I'm so glad that I have friends whos husbands are gone too that way we all can do things like dinner. It's nice to keep my mind off of it.
We're doing really good now. The kids are doing great and haven't said much about missing daddy. Tonight at dinner time kayla was looking at a picture of chris and kept saying 'daddy'. I asked her if she wanted him and she said yah. Then said said he wanted him too. I asked if he missed daddy and he said yes. So I know they're missing him, but so far it's not effecting them too much. We try to stay busy so it's not on our minds too much.
Well, it's now our 3rd deployment. I know we'll get through if perfectly fine. We pray every night for the Lord to help us through it and to keep daddy safe. I know you all are praying for us. I appreciate it so much. I'll write more later!
Love Rachel and kids.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Sean is a little older now than in this picture.

I love her sun hat!!
Sean is FINALLY potty trained. Ok, well almost. He wears diapers during nap time and bedtime, but that's it. We're slowly working on getting him into underwear during those times too. Nap time is pretty much there, but it's the long bedtime we're still taking our time on. He actually woke up one night at about 1am and went to the bathroom. And he even had a diaper on. I'm so proud of him and SO thankful that he's finally getting it. We figured out a good potty chart with a good insentive and he's doing it. He'll even go potty without us asking him to. Out of no where I hear "Mommy I pooped. Now I can get a sticker and a piece of candy." It's so nice. Kayla is even interested in the potty. One down, one to go.
It's FINALLY summer. The weather here has been beautiful. I'm so glad that it's getting nicer. The kids love the pools outside. We left the pools up for the last couple of days so the water is actually pretty warm. As long as they take naps, they'll get to play in them today. I want to get in too. I'm just glad we have an umbrella for our porch or I don't think I could stand it outside. It gets pretty hot here!
That's all for today, so far at least. I'm going to enjoy a movie with my hubby while the kids are upstairs. Have a great day!!